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How to Use Perplexity AI Chrome Extension: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Use Perplexity AI Chrome Extension: A Step-by-Step Guide

Perplexity AI is an impressive chatbot that provides accessible and powerful AI capabilities for free. It is designed to provide comprehensive and accurate answers to user questions, and it can also generate creative content such as poems, stories, jokes, and more. In this article, you will learn how to use Perplexity AI Chrome Extension, a handy tool that lets you chat with Perplexity AI directly from your browser. You will also discover some of the amazing features and benefits of using this extension.

What is Perplexity AI Chrome Extension?

Perplexity AI Chrome Extension is a free browser add-on that allows you to access Perplexity AI from any web page. You can simply click on the Perplexity AI icon in your browser toolbar and start chatting with the chatbot. You can ask Perplexity AI anything you want, such as:

  • General knowledge questions
  • Personal advice
  • Fun facts
  • Trivia
  • Riddles
  • Word games
  • Math problems
  • And more!

You can also request Perplexity AI to create original content for you, such as:

  • Poems
  • Stories
  • Jokes
  • Tweets
  • Lyrics
  • Essays
  • And more!

Perplexity AI will search the internet and write you a quick answer or a creative piece with cited sources. You can also give feedback to Perplexity AI by rating its responses and suggesting improvements.

How to Install Perplexity AI Chrome Extension?

Installing Perplexity AI Chrome Extension is very easy and takes only a few minutes. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Go to the Perplexity AI Chrome Extension page on the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Click on the “Add to Chrome” button.
  3. A pop-up window will appear asking for your permission to install the extension. Click on “Add extension”.
  4. Wait for the installation to complete. You will see a confirmation message that says “Perplexity AI has been added to Chrome”.
  5. You will also see the Perplexity AI icon in your browser toolbar. It looks like a blue circle with a white question mark inside.

How to Use Perplexity AI Chrome Extension?

Using Perplexity AI Chrome Extension is very simple and intuitive. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Click on the Perplexity AI icon in your browser toolbar. A chat window will open.
  2. Type in your question or request in the text box at the bottom of the chat window. Press enter or click on the send button.
  3. Wait for Perplexity AI to reply. You will see its response in the chat window.
  4. You can continue the conversation by typing in more questions or requests, or by clicking on the suggested topics or prompts that appear below the chat window.
  5. You can also rate Perplexity AI’s responses by clicking on the thumbs up or thumbs down icons at the top right corner of each response. You can also provide more detailed feedback by clicking on the feedback button next to the rating icons.
  6. You can close the chat window by clicking on the cross icon at the top right corner of the chat window, or by clicking anywhere outside the chat window.

What are the Benefits of Using Perplexity AI Chrome Extension?

Using Perplexity AI Chrome Extension has many benefits, such as:

  • It is free and easy to use.
  • It provides fast and accurate answers to your questions.
  • It can generate original and creative content for you.
  • It can help you learn new things and have fun.
  • It can improve your writing and communication skills.
  • It can enhance your browsing experience.


Perplexity AI Chrome Extension is a great tool that lets you chat with an intelligent and friendly chatbot from your browser. You can ask Perplexity AI anything you want, or request it to create content for you. You can also give feedback to Perplexity AI and help it improve its performance. Perplexity AI Chrome Extension is a must-have for anyone who wants to access powerful AI capabilities for free.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Perplexity AI Chrome Extension:

Q: Is Perplexity AI Chrome Extension safe to use?

A: Yes, Perplexity AI Chrome Extension is safe to use. It does not collect any personal information from you, nor does it access any other data from your browser or device. It only uses your input to generate relevant responses.

Q: How does Perplexity AI generate answers and content?

A: Perplexity AI uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning techniques to understand your input and generate appropriate responses. It also uses web scraping and data mining methods to find relevant information from various 

Q: Can I customize Perplexity AI’s settings and preferences?

A: Yes, you can customize Perplexity AI’s settings and preferences by clicking on the gear icon at the top left corner of the chat window. You can change the following options:

  • Language: You can choose the language you want to chat with Perplexity AI. Perplexity AI supports multiple languages such as English, 中文, 日本語, Español, Français, Deutsch, and others.
  • Mode: You can choose the mode you want Perplexity AI to operate in. Perplexity AI has three modes: Balanced, Creative, and Precise. Balanced mode is the default mode that provides balanced responses. Creative mode is the mode that encourages Perplexity AI to generate more imaginative and innovative content. Precise mode is the mode that focuses on providing accurate and factual information.
  • Voice: You can choose the voice you want Perplexity AI to use when speaking to you. Perplexity AI has different voices for different languages and genders.
  • Volume: You can adjust the volume of Perplexity AI’s voice.
  • Feedback: You can enable or disable the feedback option that allows you to rate and comment on Perplexity AI’s responses.

Q: How can I share Perplexity AI’s responses with others?

A: You can share Perplexity AI’s responses with others by clicking on the share button at the top right corner of each response. You can choose to share the response via email, social media, or copy it to your clipboard.

Q: How can I report a problem or a bug with Perplexity AI Chrome Extension?

A: You can report a problem or a bug with Perplexity AI Chrome Extension by clicking on the report button at the bottom right corner of the chat window. You can describe the issue and attach a screenshot if possible. Your feedback will help us improve Perplexity AI Chrome Extension.

Q: How can I uninstall Perplexity AI Chrome Extension?

A: You can uninstall Perplexity AI Chrome Extension by following these steps:

  1. Right-click on the Perplexity AI icon in your browser toolbar.
  2. Select “Remove from Chrome”.
  3. A pop-up window will appear asking for your confirmation. Click on “Remove”.
  4. Wait for the uninstallation to complete. You will see a message that says “Perplexity AI has been removed from Chrome”.



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